The «T-shaped» designer

@uiuxdesigns –

@uiuxdesigns –

Este concepto lo acuña Tim Brown de IDEO hace 10 años.

A T-shaped person would be the one that has one field of expertise (vertical) and skills that are transversal (horizontal) and allow effective teamwork.

An I-shaped person would have a depth of (one) skill, but won't necessarily be collaborative.


[UX] Design Skills

  1. Research techniques
  2. Information Architecture (this used to be a job)
  3. Wireframing & Prototyping
  4. Visual Communication
  5. Testing
  6. At least some tech skills

[Graphic] Design Skills

  1. Composición
  2. **Aplicaciones tipográficas (¡**Que se pueda leer, por el amor de un dios!)
  3. Uso del color

Teamwork Skills

  1. Metodologías de desarrollo de software
    1. Waterfall
    2. Agile
    3. Scrum