
Una historia de usuario es la unidad de trabajo más pequeña en un marco ágil. Es un objetivo final, no una función, expresado desde la perspectiva del usuario del software. – Fuente

In consultation with the customer or product owner, the team divides up the work to be done into functional increments called “user stories.”

Each user story is expected to yield, once implemented, a contribution to the value of the overall product, irrespective of the order of implementation; these and other assumptions as to the nature of user stories are captured by the INVEST formula.

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To make these assumptions tangible, user stories are reified into a physical form: an index card or sticky note, on which a brief descriptive sentence is written to serve as a reminder of its value. This emphasizes the “atomic” nature of user stories and encourages direct physical manipulation: for instance, decisions about scheduling are made by physically moving around these “story cards.”

Common Pitfalls

Expected Benefits

For most Agile teams user stories are the main vehicle of incremental software delivery, and offer the following benefits: