QUÉ: ¿Qué es una diseñadora?

Designer. A designer is an agent that uses his or her skills to directly contribute to the creation of a design. This concept is specific to design projects.

Ralph, P. and Wand, Y. (2009). A proposal for a formal definition of the design concept. – link

All “professional” means is that someone got paid. It doesn’t mean they got paid well. It doesn’t even mean they’re a designer. These days, most “professional” graphic design is made by marketers and PR flacks who don’t value graphic design enough to pay someone else to do it.

Rachel Berger (2016) – link

Por qué es importante preguntarse ésto (y tener una respuesta)

A clear understanding of what design means is important from three perspectives.

From an instructional perspective, it seems obvious that any designer’s education ought to include providing a clear notion of what design is. Furthermore, better understanding the meaning of design will inform what knowledge such education could include.

From a research perspective, in any theoretical or empirical work in which design is a construct, a clear definition will help ensure construct validity. Furthermore, a clear understanding of the meaning of design will facilitate developing measures of design-related constructs, such as design project success. Moreover, building a cumulative tradition of design research can benefit from a well-accepted definition of design, the alternative being different theories defining design differently, or not at all.

From a (software design) practitioner’s perspective, a clear definition of design can help organize, share and reuse design knowledge. Such sharing can enhance software project success and software development productivity. Furthermore, understanding the elements of design would be useful in determining the issues and information relevant to the process of design and in planning this process.

Ralph, P. and Wand, Y. (2009). A proposal for a formal definition of the design concept. – link

CÓMO: ¿Qué hacemos hoy las diseñadoras? (definiciones honestas)

Author/Copyright holder: Thomas-pluralvonglas. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

Author/Copyright holder: Thomas-pluralvonglas. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

Tipos de diseñadores/as

Es la persona que está más cerca de las usuarias y se encarga de recoger datos y hacerlos accionables para ayudar al resto del equipo a descubrir qué funciona y qué no, además de qué nuevas funcionalidades podrían aumentar el valor del negocio; normalmente se encuentra como especialización en equipos grandes. En equipos pequeños, lo hace un product designer, por ejemplo.
